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Updated: Jul 10, 2021

July and August is training season for hounds on bear. This video was taken on Bear Spring Mountain and was one of the first bears treed of the season. Dogs have been doing well for the most part with old Scooby still rigging like the pro he is! No bear was harmed in the making of this video. In NY you can only tree bears with your hounds, there is no hunting season with hounds.

Only had 1 intermediate Champagne doe to bring to show since everyone else has babies in the box or wasn't in adequate show condition. A very lovely outside show that was like old times (no one had masks on!). To bad I didn't have more stock to show as we had 5 reputable breeders there with some lovely animals. My doe finished in the middle behind 2 breeders that have been raising this breed for quite some time which is what I expected. I did bring home 2 senior does that came from another breeder selling out of her stock. One of them has 1 leg already and the other has 2 legs. The babies in the nestbox currently will be available for sale after June 23rd. I may have a few proven does and bucks available, please check the For Sale page. This is my last rabbit show before we have our third child! I hope to show at some prominent shows in the Fall dabbling in some guinea pigs as well (now that we have a few homebreds up and coming) with my young son!

Very nice senior does in her classes, she won 2nd in Show A and 1st in Show B (to earn her 1 leg) and then Best of Breed in Show B (for another leg).
Grand Champion Black Duck's Blueberry #BD192

Had a great time connecting with new people I haven't met before that breed Champagnes! I only showed one day due to having little kids at home still but I was happy to finally Grand my PaSRBA winner (from 2019), Blueberry. Covid really has done a number on absolutely everything to say the least. She earned 2 legs yesterday which means she has enough legs to be registered as a American Rabbit Breeder's Association Grand Champion.

ARBA Judge Paul Kyle judging Champagnes

I brought 7 rabbits in all being my first show in over a year!


Hobby farm & kennel in Walton, NY
Members of PKC, ARBA, AGDA
Hunting dogs and livestock sales offered occasionally

© 2024 by Black Duck Farm & Kennel

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