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We raise Champagne D'Argent rabbits. A heritage meat rabbit originating in France, they are docile and easy to handle. Champagnes dress out well giving us about 6-8 pounds of meat per rabbit. They have higher percentages of organ fat which is ideal for sausage. Champagnes are born totally black and then silver out as they mature.
French Angoras have been added to the rabbitry! These are beautiful animals that can be used for both meat and fiber. Their wool is 'plucked' and can be spun into yarn for fiber products. Plucking does not hurt the rabbit and their wool grows back quickly. You can harvest their wool 2-3 times per year. Angora rabbit wool is 7 times warmer than sheep's wool since it is so dense!!!
We have a limited supply available for sale.
Please check the For Sale/Breedings page.
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